Before therapy can begin, your child must first be evaluated to see if they are eligible for services. Contact your local county early intervention office to setup the evaluation. Your local office number is listed below.
The independent evaluation team will meet with the family to complete an evaluation. To be eligible for services, a child must have a qualifying diagnosis or a 25% delay in one of the following 5 areas of child development.
Adaptive Behavior: This covers self help skills including feeding and dressing
Communication: The ability to understand language and the ability to express oneself
Cognition: The ability to think and learn
Physical Development: The ability to move and navigate your environment
Social-Emotional Development: The ability to take in your environment in a calm way and relate to others
Once your evaluation is complete, you will have a meeting to discuss the results. If your child is eligible for services, an individualized family service plan (IFSP) will be drawn up. Your team will create goals and strategies for you and your child. They will also discuss services to help you achieve those goals.
You will be given a choice to pick a service provider.
Contact your local office to setup an evaluation. If your county isn't listed below and you don't know the number, you can contact the main help line at: 1-800-692-7288
PA counties we serve
Adams County
(717) 771 9618
Cumberland County
(717) 240 6320
Dauphin County
(717) 441 7034
Franklin County
(717) 709 4321
Fulton County
(717) 709 4321
Lancaster County
(717) 399 7323
Perry County
(717) 240 6320
York County
(717) 771 9618